
Showing posts from September, 2016


So, as I am sitting in the balcony on my "rest" day, gazing at the silk floss tress already blooming with their lilly-like pink and white flowers, and all the calyxes just inspiring the air, I'm bound to be good friends with poetry. I love poetry. Sometimes, I mean to write a song but it ends up being a poem. I'm not so good of course, but poetry is just my mystical, unearthly language to express the conversations I have with nature and my own spirit. Prose is not always very efficient, is it? So, this poem was inspired by a beautiful observation that shall haunt me with its mystery and beauty. Everytime I just think of that day, I fall into a beautiful daydream. It was June twilight and we were driving near the fields and forests, and there was this one piece of land fully covered by yellow dandelions and some purple dainty flowers, the grass was short and there were some trees encompassing the field. What actually haunted me was that soulful mist ascending from

Pomegranate Rituals.

Oh so it's Autumn already! Indeed the fragrance of the night air has changed immensely, its all spicy and stirred with sights of golden leaves (although we don't get golden leaves in Egypt but still, I have an imagination) and so often now, my dad and I just sit at twilight in the balcony and sniff the navy air indulgently. Some of these moments make life seem so simple and astray from reality.  So as I mentioned earlier, it is a jolly fruity season. We already had dates and their supply is ending soon, but enter pomegranates! Even guavas are starting to peep in all the markets, but they're still small and expensive so we just know it isn't the time yet. So yes, we did buy pomegranates today and I as soon as I came back, I darted to the kitchen to make my beautiful syrup. I remember my grandmother and I used to put newspaper on the floor and just sit down, like really sit down, pull our sleeves and work with the pomegranates. We tap the skin hard enough a

Thoughts about Friendships.

Don't you think I think too much? I just have many thoughts and I never really channeled them so efficiently, until this blog happened! I'm so grateful I could write and write, God has sincerely blessed me with this ability for I think I'd explode with all of these notions cramming in my mind. :) Alright, I love friendships. Friends are usually very sweet and kind, and I cherish the laughter maybe not more than the tears that could ever occur during the earthly course of friendship. But.. I have a tiny problem here, because I just have high ideals when it comes to people. They need to fit me as closely as possible and understand the deepest positions of my soul. I'm a really eccentric person and I can no longer express myself within my classmates, who usually just laugh at me or never take my words seriously when I tend to be earnest. That's why I push myself away these days. I like people to accept me wholly, and listen to my ramblings, and I do not just share m

The Truth about Self-care.

I used to read the word "self-care" and automatically feel traumatised by it. I felt that excruciatingly deep pain within my body that echoed loudly with every tribulation. I know I wasn't doing anything for my body or my soul, either. When I read those self-love rituals or whatever on the Internet, those disheartening articles that included things like take bubble baths, eat chocolate, drink coffee, do what you love.. and the list goes on and on. Well, I kept reading those things until I felt I didn't fit anymore, I wasn't doing any of those things, did that mean I hated my body? Deep down, I knew I wanted to love my body. I wanted to build a genuinely real and respectful bond with my soul and physique. That road was full of trials, I tried staying in and having warm bubbly baths, drinking coffee and applying lotion on my skin but I didn't actually feel good at all. I loathed myself even more. I felt like I was being deceitful, because my idea of self

Thoughts On Health.

My sanctuary. By health, I mean mental and physical health, which are both crucial. I know that hospitals and medical centres are usually a sign of physical treatment centres. However, I believe that mind and soul are related to the mechanical body by a sort of ethereal connection, magically seen as a string of sparkling magic between two wands. As both grow further apart, the string becomes more feeble and fragile until it is finally extinguished, both ends eventually lose the marvel of having had such a connection. Sour apples :) So earthly matters first, and I mean by this, my body which is existent on Earth only -for the time being ;)-. I am overjoyed to say that I'm healing in a way or another. For once, I don't feel stressed, which means loads less of adrenaline and cortisol around my cells. I feel more lose, more energetically-balanced. Also, my hair is stronger now, I'm astonished by the way my hair doesn't actually go in weird directions when I put it

The Downpour.

     As I wake, with raindrops pattering on the window, the clouds hovering the atmosphere with a relentless movement, bit by bit, attracting the moisture and humidity and it all just condenses in my mind, and it triggers all the memories, the mistakes I've done and it all draws on me like a satin sheet caressing my scars. Some days I'm inspired to beat those feelings, while others I just resiliently feel them, and they do bring about a rainy me. I love the sound of the rain on the roof, sliding down in torrents to the grass, I love how perpetually blue the clouds are at that moment, and how this beautiful phenomenon is taking place. However, stays at home in such weather is a way that humiliates my state of stillness, when water, the most important element in this universe is in continuous motion and vigour. The elements of my body screech in jealousy, and I just want to run and run and run, then I do feel a part of this world, the world I want to share my life with, let

Changing Seasons.

Owh Hellow? This time of the year is always accompanied by fragrances sweeping the atmosphere, I never know where they come from. But it's always so evident once the sun rises and the mist evolves swiftly, then my nostrils are filled with that smell that speaks of Autumn. It's as if the concussed sunrays have been diluted as the Earth moves away, so they have a chance to spread a bit more differently and our adapted senses start to feel this new surrounding. This kind of morning usually stir a couple of emotions, because school usually starts in September and well, new routines start and the carefree, totally lazy summer days are over.  Such times are usually a way for me to rewind, to refresh my spirits. I'm not one that finds joy in boring routines although I always opose change, which is a trait I dislike about myself. Somehow, when I get used to something and find it congenial, I become so attached to it that I hate to change it even if it's something as tri


Owh Hellow? So this is post number one, or zero, I can't really decide since I'm not mathematical enough to know which starts the number line and I do like to be precise in such things. Anyway, I'm Soraya. There's a lot that you're going to discover about me through ramblings and the way I discuss things. I love analysing the things I observe in nature and and our society. I live in Egypt, a country so dear to my heart. I wish to live and make things around here more beautiful, more civilised. I want to find pleasure in the simplest things, and attain balance. I want to live to live. You know what I mean? A lot of us get caught up in the realistic side and forget about the essence of daily routines, the magic when the sun rises upon you each day, the smiles you see from anyone around you. All of these things should count. They should be considered as lavish incidents that make your day. I keep a journal to count all those simple blessings and as far as I'm