The Downpour.

As I wake, with raindrops pattering on the window, the clouds hovering the atmosphere with a relentless movement, bit by bit, attracting the moisture and humidity and it all just condenses in my mind, and it triggers all the memories, the mistakes I've done and it all draws on me like a satin sheet caressing my scars. Some days I'm inspired to beat those feelings, while others I just resiliently feel them, and they do bring about a rainy me. I love the sound of the rain on the roof, sliding down in torrents to the grass, I love how perpetually blue the clouds are at that moment, and how this beautiful phenomenon is taking place. However, stays at home in such weather is a way that humiliates my state of stillness, when water, the most important element in this universe is in continuous motion and vigour. The elements of my body screech in jealousy, and I just want to run and run and run, then I do feel a part of this world, the world I want to share my life with, let go my isolation and interact with every soul out there that I can truly feel. I do leave the house, and I walk in this rain and I can believe a little more fearlessly. I love rainy walks due to that uneasy feeling of rebellion, bravery and adventure. It doesn't resemble me at all, but I tend to discover the girl I might be one day, when the course of life turns more realistic and bitter. I want to be that girl that walks in the rain, get slapped by the wind and just undergo a phenomenal mind wash. I want to be clean of any impurities.

But when the sun does erupt finally after such a downpour, the doors of my soul open up, and the green meadows come in sight, and I can contrast what's good and what's evil. I can determine who I must be, and what should I be. The sunlight dries my damp thoughts, and they become a foundation for the new notions that follow. Rainy mornings usually create a dark haunted foundation, but I've dealt with that before, and I can certainly scrape away all those hideous thoughts away sometime. In the rain, I'm like an etiolating plant, and I usually waste my energy in remorse, but once the sun is up, I'm taller than all of my fellows, it just takes time to heal again, and be as green and flourishing. I trust that God will bring the sun out again. He will.



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