where is home?


Where is home?

As long as those eyes are dully awake, busied, forgetful, it’s never home. As long as this body roads and intersects the times and spaces in limitless orchestration, as long as there is still one place more, one moment more— this isn’t home.

Where am I?

Where is the real I?

Where am I when I’m not home?

Oh God, it’s hard to feel at home here. I thought love would bring me a blissful peace. There’s a sacred stillness before sunrise when love is all that You are, all collapsing and deflecting form beyond form. When the light is here, all rises in chaos to be the perfect representation of You.

Every atom toils. Every particle screams. Intention after intention, running out of breath just to sink down in never-ending gratitude. Nothing can ever rest till it meets You. 

My heart is not enough for You. It turns with every beat— there must be a sacred place where Love is unchanged forever.

I radiate with your Light but still it dies in me sometimes— how sweetly foreordained it is to die the one death nothing dies after.

Till then, it’s never Home.


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