
A part of me has tuned into the timelessness of beingness, and so I no longer shed so much attention on aspects like age. Still, as today I turn twenty-four, I am grateful for growing, and experiencing more of the astounding magnificence of where this life is leading us.

With every year, God blessed me with a newer perspective and a viewpoint to gaze upon the world with. My twenty-third year has changed me completely, navigated me towards a purpose I never thought I’d encompass with my smallness.

My twenty-third year was a year of softness. The softening of the heart with magnificent, glorious love that one breaks into the veils of separation, and being connected to otherness that has no significance in true light. Softness embodies itself in grace, and the whole body follows the heart in its wave-like movement, flowing across the skies of God’s incredible light.

As I turn twenty-four, I commit to intentions which purify the heart to accept more of what is of service and what is true to make one’s life an extension of one leading to our truest home.

- a pyramidal year -

I have a feeling that my twenty-fourth year shall be a pyramidal one; meaning, it shall gift me foundations and bases to build upon an existence that serves the One. The last couple of years have acted on my heart, moulding it to accept, believe, return, forgive and love. I feel it somewhere in my soul that so much of what already lives in my heart shall find itself a pathway upwards this year. It feels scary for I already can see into the steps before me to take, and they’re all built upon the foundation of surrendered doing. 

It is truly time for be to swim in the oceans of God’s wisdom and His eternal love— it is time not to fear the manifestation of His will, in the name of not being able to handle or control it. The sweetest spot in my heart tells me that it will be truly alright.

- an extension of softness -

Softness, I see, is my truth. I was made by and for softness. There is something about letting go the harshness and intensity of my inner landscape that begets miracles unto the light of the world. And so, I do intend to gaze into the possibility of being soft, aligning to the ingrains on my heart, taking the time to see and listen to the truth, instead of following the tough constructs my mind lures me into. 

There are moments when challenges peak and one cannot truly see the beginning of the end. A soft moment of saying “God, bestow upon me the grace to see your light in this”. It changes everything when one does not need to rely on the geometries of limitedness.

- bases and foundations -

May my twenty-fourth year be a foundation upon which I build an existence that is transient, vessel-like, guiding and detached. I see my life like a star, or in closer terms, an airplane. A star does not belong in this sky, yet it does serve a purpose of beauty and guidance. An airplane carries hearts to chosen destinations but it does not land long enough to stay. 

May I learn what I need to guide truthfully, support hearts and be with them in moments they see love. I see possibilities now; I’m slowly carried to detach from the work I do and allow people to learn from the process, and let it transform them. It is not mine to take hold of any of this— this is but a guiding journey.

- grounded energy -

To build foundations, may God teach me to ground myself (in softness). There’s this drive in me that makes me climb far too many mountains to look closely into the sun. I’ve had glimpses of how groundedness tames my unease and restlessness— it allows me to land awhile, learn, appreciate before I go climbing again. It is sustaining and appreciative of the cycles of life.

Groundedness looks like time spent listening and observing more before I take flight into my own choices. I find I was never made to choose for myself, there are always signs in this world that guide me towards God’s love. I need the ground for a life that serves a purpose of beautifying it.

- authentic artistic expression -

With my time mostly dedicated to doing things, I find that when I do finally have time to observe, I become so emptied, staring into nothingness for too long that it takes me into a death-like void (or read too many books). I do wonder whether it is possible to take on a new hobby that involves something artistic. I truly wish to learn to use watercolours and sketch. It is quite therapeutic and allows me to share beauty with the world more openly. 

- a heart at home in truth -

May my twenty-fourth year remind me of the pettiness of attachment to worldly gains and destinations. My real home is timeless and spaceless, and it is what I work for. With love, all worldly steps can be made sacred and divine, but they’re not ones to arrive at and chase. Beyond the beauty of allowing children and people to grow before you, one returns home to God’s presence. 

It was never the money, the status, the job, the body and the outward appearance. It is what it will manifest into on the day of Truth.

In the end, my gratitude is finite, and so I surrender it to the Thankful. May it be another year in sacred love.


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