Lessons Learned From Summer 2020

  • what seems to be a hardship turns out to be the greatest blessing with time. trust more.
  • gratitude, even for the things you don't yet have, manifests miracles and abundance.
  • stay true to your heart and feel deeply, cry if you have to, but turn to God to help you.
  • it's very important to apologise when you make mistakes.
  • it's right to fight for your self-worth. it's right to express how you would rather hear more about how to improve rather than be humiliated. it's right to fight for your inherent strengths. 
  • everything starts with believing in, having faith in, staying true to and loving yourself.
  • restlessness doesn't change anything. all you have is the present moment.
  • I know you're trying to make many connections and stay social, but growing your circle too much, especially virtually, exhausts you. it's okay to value quality over quantity when it comes to your social life.
  • love is an action; it's a way of being.
  • love can be maintained despite the physical distance. 
  • everything is an illusion except for what you personally believe in. there are no rules except for what is universal.
  • don't shut people out when you're wounded. don't burn bridges. just communicate that you need time and space to sort everything out. 
  • always fight your critical inner voice. it only puts you down.
  • do istikhara everyday if you need to. unburden yourself.
  • read thikr because it cleanses your mindset and eases your soul.
  • cherish any space or anyone who allows you to be honest, raw, genuine and real.
  • declutter things, emotions, grudges, thoughts. begin your day as though you never lived before.
  • go slow. nobody is chasing you. this rushing is just an illusion. you have all the time in the world.
  • when you jump to conclusions too quickly, now that you've judged something to be fixed and permanent and have forsaken the chance to believe in its potential. 
  • when you hurt others, ask yourself what made you see everything through your wounds. when others hurt you, acknowledge that they chose to see everything through their wounds. 
  • don't take things personally. but fight if you need to set limits. say "I know how you're feeling, but I can't allow you to do this to me".
  • when tired, remember nature and look at the sky.
  • be a child everyday. but wear cool sunglasses around adults for camouflage so that they don't see the sparkle in your eyes.
  • you don't have to prove anything. the sun doesn't have to prove that it's important. it does what it does because it's in its nature. same goes for you.
  • when you try to prove yourself, you do little and speak too much, you widen the gap between truth and pretend. staying true is simply being you.
  • you will always always always always grow even if it feels like you're so small.
  • you are very resilient. this summer taught you how much you are resilient.
  • you are beautiful because God created you. when someone says "you're beautiful" say that you know it because true love is loving God's creation.
  • everything is possible. 
  • when you're scared to fail, know that you don't love yourself enough. love is on the other side of fear.


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