Working With Love.

We all start our work-life brimming with hope, energy and excitement to prove ourselves, make a difference and attain success. There is this wonderful feeling which comes with going to work, full of life, dressed your best and greeting everyone with a smile. I always thought that would be the case for everyone, whatever job they were doing. Why would anyone complain about work? What makes it such a traumatic experience?

I guess I now know the answer to my questions. 

Although I am a part-timer, I have caught many glimpses of some day-to-day realities which cause work to be a nuisance for many. Most of the time, it's not the work itself but the environment. In my case, I have witnessed office politics, gossip, complaints, lack of support, work pressure-- the list could go on and on.

Observing and somehow being a part of this, I found how dissatisfying it is to work in an environment which is not inspiring or motivating. I saw how soul-sucking it is to have co-workers which fill the room with complaints and negative remarks about  almost everything. I'm not here to blame them or set a war on anyone, I'm here to make amends and reinforce the faith that this doesn't have to be the case for you anymore. 

The truth is you have a choice. You are empowered enough to take a decision to turn things around for your own sake. It's unfair to ignore those feelings of being drained, tired and even finding it difficult to go to work. It's not just to ever have to go through second-guesses while assessing your value in a workplace. We were created to make a difference, and you have every right to exercise that doing the work you are passionate about.

I'm writing this as if I am addressing myself, because like you, I'm also a little bit shaken and feeling dismantled. I'm here to address those issues consciously, to make better choices, to choose value over toxicity and positivity over directionless motives.

  1. First of all, it's important to have boundaries in regards to what is important for you. If you are someone who values a supportive, inspiring environment, then you should be the first to advocate that for yourself. It's not okay to have a negative feeling and ignore it or put it aside thinking that you're being too demanding or overly-sensitive. On the contrary, it's honoring what is important for you to maximize your value.
  2. When it comes to people, professionally communicate your needs openly and impersonally. For example, if you find that there is too much gossip around or intense involvement in office politics, simply request to move away from the room you're working in, without referring to anyone in person. The whole concept is creating valuable work, and you would like to create a win/win proposal so that your work is of high quality and value to the workplace as well as satisfying for yourself. This is not about victimizing yourself or blaming others for their behaviours. Think of the bigger picture.
  3. Connect with and empower like-minded people to collaborate together to do influential work. If you find yourself isolated in your own department, seek connections elsewhere during your break. Speak to those who might seem positive and engaging, and find ways to create opportunities for more work with them. You attract the energy of those around you and believe me, you'll feel so much energized and even happy when finding people who think like you. Focus on solutions rather than the problem itself, and doors will open for you.
  4. Change your office-space if possible. Most workplaces have rooms where everyone works together, which sometimes exasperates the problem, because when everyone gets together, they often talk about what is unnecessary and daunting, especially when conflicts arise and there is nothing to do but complain. If this talk bothers you, request to change your work space and be moved to a different office. If that is not possible (such as in my case), simply take your work to a different area such as the cafeteria, library or in the open air. Make it clear that you cannot concentrate and find a way that people can access you when you're away. Don't be embarrassed to do something so important for yourself. I assure you that you'll feel so much better afterwards.
  5. People cannot be changed, but you can change and model the positive change you wish to see in the world. Be aware that you cannot force someone to be someone else, but your attitude and spirit can attract the best version of who they are. If you work on your energy well enough, you'll find that your positivity will be constantly radiating, modeling what you find ideal. This will tempt people to either talk in your terms or avoid messing around with you. Remember not to blame people for not being the kind of people you want them to be. 

So there, here are some of the mindsets which can truly help us capture the essence of our work. In the end, all that matters is the essence. Why are you working? Why are you still here? What drives your passion? Answering those questions authentically will make you ignore all the sideline distractions, which will contribute to preserving your energy and reaching your goals.

There is no shame in working with love. You all deserve such a transcendental experience. 


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