Finding Your Value.

Your value is your pain.
Your value is what fixates you, what keeps you thinking day and night, trying your best to resolve your worries.
Your value is what you keep pondering about, imagining, daydreaming and idealising. It’s what you envision your life to be. It’s that missing puzzle piece.

Your value is when you go out there to the world to pursue it. To test your limits. To see what actually happens when you try. Your value is when you realise that your life is a journey and as you go outside of your head and start doing the things that make meaning to you, you’ll attract the ultimate abundance you’re craving— that beautiful fulfilment, gratitude and acceptance for what is

Your value is when you realise that you’re humble enough to learn and be taught as you go. Because when you’re trying for the first time, things won’t go as expected. Things will be really messy and chaotic, but your value is persevering and keeping that ideal, that solution to all what’s bothering you in your head and taking the way to reach it. There isn’t a way, there are multiple. Your value is when you are authentic enough to do things differently, just because you believe in yourself.

Your value is in what you give to the world. Not everyone will accept your gifts, but you were created to fulfil a small purpose that paints a beautiful shade in that worldly mural. Your service will enlighten many, as long as it’s coming right from your body, mind and heart. As long as it consumes you to do it all as righteously as possible, just because you believe you can.

Your value is when you say no to things that don’t support your growth. And you will grow. You will die and leave people and memories behind, and that separation will create a painful emptiness in your heart. But you will die and create a space for something newer and different to grow and thrive, it will be a greener and richer version of yourself. You will start to be aware of what doesn’t support the role that exists outside of yourself. You’ll say no to whatever doesn’t commit you to the path that does great in the little world you’re living in.

Because that greatness can be a sophisticated simplicity. It can be in the smile you show to others, the way you care, the way you think, that way you execute, make peace, dominate, lead or discover. It’s whatever you do so happily and meaningfully, that it surprises others. They perceive it as art.

Your value is not a competition. It’s not something that others can take away from you. It’s you. You’ll have to defend yourself from being let down, yet have the humility to learn from those lessons. You believe in the universe. You believe that whatever love you hold within you will somehow make sense.

And this love will bring you closer to those who accept you wholly. They will accept your quirks and imperfections. They may turn around, because it’s all scary, isn’t it? It’s even tougher for you. So leave them be. Give them their space to flow back into your boundless forgiveness.

Your value is your extraordinary beauty, once you harness it. Once you accept it as nature. Once you value it.


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