Endless Missions.

One of the most surprising periods in life is when you finally discover your purpose. It’s usually this epiphany-like moment in which you realise what you’ve been born for— your passions seem to connect, your past holds memories to join dots with and the future seems more lucent.

After taking my time observing such a human experience, I’ve come to believe that our purposes cannot be solely based on materialistic and realistic missions. Yes, they are requisite to sustain success but I see that people take it too far from where it should stand. We set goals to purchase apartments, get a job or a promotion and keep working arduously for that, yet, we don’t stop. Hard work guarantees success most of the time, but it doesn’t grant happiness. We confuse those goals and promise others that we will be happy when we achieve them, but dissatisfaction sets in eventually, and we keep digging on and on for more.

We need those realistic goals. We need to prove ourselves and make a difference, excel and be ambitious. It’s quite healthy to do so, no matter the size of our ambitions and dreams. Still, it’s not adequate to call it a life. Those ambitions are fickle and are based on circumstance which are highly changeable, we need some deeper meaning to connect us to the world, some goal that attaches us to life with its fickle strings, as everything tumbles and loses its place.

We need unearthly ambitions. Our hearts’ longevity depend on them. We thrive when we choose to perhaps work hard to grow into patience, happiness, mindfulness and righteousness no matter the circumstances. Those are the kind of goals that are deemed to be eternal, a solemn vow made to oneself, to stay connected and grounded, to make each day a dream.

Life doesn’t always give you what you want. Sometimes you work so much to achieve a dear dream but find that something is going to stop you. You need another mindset to lift you up, to keep you from surrendering, to strengthen your hope. You need to grow into your virtues and beliefs in order to truly live.

For no matter what happens, you know that are other things you are striving for that aren’t dependent on how things turn out. You know that anyway, you are challenged to keep up, to escape your comfort zone, to reach out and seek more.

There aren’t any bounds. It’s quite foolish to ascertain that there will come a day and all of your dreams will come true. Dearest, there aren’t any limits. There isn’t an end. It’s an everlasting challenge to thrive, to grow throughout the changes and temporariness.

I have some dear ambitions, so royally rich yet small— but I know they won’t always be so clearly defined. For this I choose to perhaps embrace being positive and mindful everyday. That’s my goal— and each time I reach one level of the spectrum of bliss, I’ll find more difficult ones to move away from the comfort of happiness and love. There are always deeper oceans to dive into and higher skies to fly to.

It will make sense one day, all of this.


  1. The way you phrased your thoughts here is truly inspiring. The warm atmosphere this essay creates effortlessly clears a path to reconnect with the more fundamental sense of purpose sometimes buried deep beneath thick layers of what the world has dictated to us, and the standardized achievements we may indulge in pursuing, or even use to benchmark where we are in life. It's bemusing how the noise of the world is visciously blinding sometimes. Fulfillment exists truly and wholly in the present moment, with overflowing energy sent with love to a hopefully better future.


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