
June: Thriving Everywhere.

  It’s already the end of June, and what a congenial month it had been. It drifted lithely, challenging me to find new ways to be myself. The past six months have been quite productive and bustling; a pounding heart full of love, hope and optimism as well as a mind challenged with responsibilities and fears. I must say that I’m grateful for everything that has been, it’s been all profoundly impacting and looking back, I just can’t decipher I had witnessed so much magic. June was the month in which the little universe around me decided to thrive in all directions. Perhaps we all try to thrive and become better versions of who we are by being more loving and intuitive. However, I realised that we could also try to experiment swerving towards different roads of growth and fulfilment. I thought of it myself, as I started to feel so overwhelmed by passion and fiery intuition. I decided to calm down and embrace the distance. It was different at first, but I enjoyed it immens

Immersed In Sky Colours.

Even though airplanes must signify the aura of unseen adventures, they particularly feel like home, like safety, like time to rest and do nothing but observe out of the window. My seat is the kingdom in which I situate all of my smiles and dreams. The plane takes off as it is dark and the moon smiles at me lovingly, already waning in its everlasting cycle. There’s a star attached to it in some orbital manner I cannot quite comprehend, but I’m sure it’s mystic and it means something— and it’s beautiful. The airplane takes off, liberating me as I soar in my viewpoints. It is quite different to see the realm from up above, a certain change in perception occurs that allows divergent thoughts to take shape and I  rest — I just do. I forget all about the world and just let observance reign my state of mind. My whole existence is based upon the sense of  seeing , and only that. I spend the hours looking from the window, the darkness evolving bit by bit as the morning sun slide

Sunrise Stories.

Sometimes I wake up too early, and it would hurt to wake you up with me. I’m quite tempted though, to let my smile force me towards the open windows, to see how the world would greet me that day. A gushing stream of rapture also tempts me to wake you up gently, through some melodies of loving dreams and lyrics of passionate goals. My mind visualises how beautiful it would be to caress your cheek as you lay next to me, allowing your beautiful eyes to open gracefully, letting the light in. But, I let you sleep. I know you spend the night listening to the noise of your thoughts; they are somehow like nightly waves constantly embracing the boulders near the shore, splashing and retreating, always coming back once more. I know you need those little moments to rest, to watch the dark canvass in your mind entwine with snippets of dreams left far behind in your subconscious— snippets that you don’t consider that much. So I lay next to you with a smile, watching that wandering beam

Serenity In Summer.

As June drifts in unmistakable tranquility, I cannot help but observe how different the world is at this time of the year. To be honest, it’s the first time for me to feel the summer deeply, eyeing the miscellaneous minor changes stuck in the atmosphere, as the day gets longer. I used to believe summer was all about relentless pleasure and bustling activity, but I no longer do. Summer is the ideal picture of calmness: the oddly glistening blue skies, occasional clouds lumbering in the prolonged afternoons, trees all ripe and richly green, as well as those late flowers cluttering the streets, dried up from the brassy sun’s heat. I like to watch it all while I walk, trying to find resemblance and meanings.  There is ample time in summer, perhaps that’s why it’s an opportunity to slow down a little and take advantage of the early sun rays and late dusks. A chance to feel helplessly present as time passes by, letting go of future-worries. It’s a time to feel blessed by the


The other day, I was talking to my dad about issues regarding my identity— the positives and negatives. He was kind enough to talk to me openly and honestly, which I truly appreciate. Unexpectedly, he mentioned that one of the negatives aspects of my identity was constantly pressuring myself. Hearing this almost zoned me out because I didn’t believe I left that impression, I didn’t believe it was noticeable. Perhaps, I didn’t even believe it myself. Honestly, I might be too hard on myself sometimes even though it doesn’t really bother me. I like being disciplined and responsible, constantly striving for something better, preoccupied with tasks that have auspicious rewards for others and myself. Too often, I’m caught up in that cycle; plunging outside of my comfort zone, giving up leisure time just to be productive and missing out on some pleasurable simple moments. In introspection, I found that many times I deny the opportunity to see my friends and hang out with them

Summer Intentions.

As I’m writing this, I’m quite uncertain of how my summer would be like, and I can’t get myself to imagine it in fear of getting too carried away by the blissful times and ignoring the downsides. Still, I wouldn’t like to drift off those months and have decided to set some  intentions — not expectations. Just gentle affirmations to seize opportunities as they unravel. I must say that in summer, it’s usually lovely to feel at home. I like entering my mother’s apartment and feel laughter greeting me from every corner, it’s just so simply alive. At home, I feel appreciated for the little things, like waking up early to prepare coffee for my parents and it does feel graciously alleviating. Therefore, I’m intending to feel it all deeply and cherish those genuine moments spent at home, with my family, in silence or with the background of my sister acting quite insane. An idea that came up to me was to actually make some money this summer as well as gain experience and step o

Sunrise Stories.

And we’ve made it. We’ve reached the top. Now, we linger on the mountain, our breaths steadying, eyes glimmering and smiles growing. We sit on the edges of the hardened earth, our feet touching the air, gravity pulling them downwards, but we balance ourselves. There are echoes of mountains all around us, toppling over each other, in different frequencies of light and sound. The sky up here is not the common blue but a mixture of hues originating from the sun rising near us. Her beams have pierced the atmosphere and the alpenglow is dancing before us. We are no longer the humans on earth up here, with all this wonder and awe— all of those different scenes we are observing all at once. Silence awakens our laughter and youth. This climb up was relentless and arduous. It was impure and obscured. We aged with every step towards the inclination of heightened toughness and required strength. We sighed and asked questions we don’t usually ask—  will we ever get there? The sign


I wonder what the greenery stretched across our beloved earth speaks of, in languages we cannot comprehend. We see the flowers lithely blooming in and leaves sprouting in emeralds and brightness in spring, watch them create this subtle force of beauty that inspires its observers. Yet, we are oblivious. We cannot see everything. I imagine the dainty flowers unfolding their petals in the morning, conversing with the light and the beams surrounding it. Perhaps they talk to the sun, wishing it could come closer, to infuse its warmth more dearly. Perhaps those petals yearn for the light’s gentle tangible touch, to spark its colours and vibrancy. But do they know if the sun came a little bit closer, they’d shrivel and burn? Do they know that longing to grow taller and taller just to reach the sun’s sky would weaken them? I imagine the trees at night conversing in melancholy. Perhaps they do not like the darkness yet have to go through it every single day. For them,

Learning: A Discovery.

I love what this picture signifies: human beings and the colours of their humanness defining our society. Are we ignorant or deliberately contributing to leaving our imprints so steadily and consciously? One of the disciplines I’m profoundly passionate about is sociology. I studied it at school in eleventh grade and I remember being particularly indulged in learning all about it. I used to write papers and papers discussing sociological phenomena, analysing concepts and assessing their validity. Taking that course at school opened up so many doors of ideas and it did enlighten me to understand society on a deeper level, and with it, humanity. Two weeks ago, I decided I should continue my studies in sociology by self-learning it, alongside an Innovation Management course I highly recommend on Coursera. So, I looked up the A Level syllabus and reviewed the key points I was supposed to search more about. I don’t have the textbook and it’s only available as a preview on the I


Still and silent, Star-aligned moon beams, Obscured in densities, Behind morning clouds, Like souls of dreamers, Too young to tread the ground. Muted melodies, Of the waking birds, Singing the possibilities, Gracefully— and as loud, That it pierces dawn, And the sunrise follows. Questions tempt, Overwhelming answers. Gathering crowds, You have no room to enter. Towers of hope, Shall not topple, When your choice, Is to give up. Away, please stay, I need to listen closely. Your voices stir, Fogs instead of dreams. I’m not an atmosphere, But a garden to water, My mind thus needs, Hope— and it shall settle. If for some reason, I choose to slow down, I shall hear the birds, Singing of signs; The mystery of unknown, Lyrics to songs. Yet, there shall be meanings, Unfolding through and through, Finding questions, I will answer them, soon. Lay with me, For the night is warm, I could stay awake, And