June: Thriving Everywhere.

 It’s already the end of June, and what a congenial month it had been. It drifted lithely, challenging me to find new ways to be myself. The past six months have been quite productive and bustling; a pounding heart full of love, hope and optimism as well as a mind challenged with responsibilities and fears. I must say that I’m grateful for everything that has been, it’s been all profoundly impacting and looking back, I just can’t decipher I had witnessed so much magic.

June was the month in which the little universe around me decided to thrive in all directions. Perhaps we all try to thrive and become better versions of who we are by being more loving and intuitive. However, I realised that we could also try to experiment swerving towards different roads of growth and fulfilment. I thought of it myself, as I started to feel so overwhelmed by passion and fiery intuition. I decided to calm down and embrace the distance. It was different at first, but I enjoyed it immensely. I needed it; to refrain from emotions and stay attentive to the facts and daily life demands for a while. I realised how crucial balance is— how illuminating and freeing. It gives us all the opportunity to experience the ups and downs, providing us a safe flow of humanness along the way.

It hadn’t been exactly easy, June. It was really challenging to remain hopeful midst some stressors that kept appearing every now and then, but I must admit that it’s possible to think positively through and through, it is an inherent choice. Some people try to convince us that life should be lived in a certain why, but I think we all have different ways. My choice is to be grateful. It’s rewarding, up till now.

June gave me the opportunity to study a lot, not for the exams alone. I learned a lot in those few weeks of my Innovation Management course as well as Sociology. I also studied Advanced English Grammar to enhance knowledge in a language I am really passionate about.

I also arrived to Poland at the very end of June, which is something beautiful. The sight of my sister and mother at the airport just brought me back to a part of me I only visualise and never put into action— unconditional love. I spent my first week here pouring my heart out with empathy and laughter and it’s been amazing. My sister and I have the funniest moments together— singing, dancing, joking, learning about tectonic plates and continental drifts, making TV shows, studying Saturn and gravity but also having those unearthly times in which we sing morning lullabies and cuddle. It’s healing, it makes me want to love myself. We sit together each afternoon and list the things that we are grateful for and realise they are just too many. I don’t know how I could ever repay the world for its kindness, even if the pain exists, lurking around the corner, waiting to be faced. But that’s okay.

The Earth paraded with all of its natural phenomena as well— the morning moon, an abundance of clouds and flustered sunrises, northern breezes, the golden shower trees all full and glowing, flame trees shedding their delicate petals and of course in Poland, the rain did not stop pouring but everyone is thankful as the fields need them, to slow down the arrival of autumn. I’ve been quite cheerful watching the clouds and listening to the melodies of the grass. The rain also brought with it the voice of hummed melodies speaking of affirmations and reminders.

June was a month full of “thank you”s. They were coloured in a spectrum of colours that exist beyond the rainbows. They diverged on and on, as if light found a way to expand and grow— just as we could all do.

I discovered a lot through love— pure, empowered, balanced love. One that does not depend on the gaps in our identities nor the holes in our souls. It’s just a binding with a force that exists beyond who we are, entwining with it, letting it heal and instil within us gratitude.

Thank you so much, June. I shall miss you. I wonder what July shall bring, but I can see laughter and wildness. I shall let the directions I have discovered show me what they behold.

May you all find gratitude.


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