the changeless.

 It’s the first time that, as an educator, am conflicted by very detrimental views. Danger was looming in for years now— technology, AI and virtual realities equated by the low attention spans, multi-dimensional cravings for intense realities and a differential human expression to say the least. I’ve never felt it so close before, but it’s here, and I’m touching it with my own hands.

The last few weeks have been a little deranging. I was trying to arrive at a conclusion— should I elegantly ride the wave of technological expansion or resist, staying loyal to this beautiful mirror of God’s humbling creativity— this glorious Earth. I tried to resist for sometime, and it has caused me so much stress to keep fighting, rooting my determination to stick to the truth.

This resistance shook my love to my profession and the children I’m serving. I found myself dragging myself to plan my week’s learning experiences, feeling dread over the uncertainty. It’s the nature of our times, it seems, this uncertainty. Despite staying true to timeless values— originality, silence, slowness and awareness, the process was an utmost fight, which doesn’t feel right.

This holiday, I sat down to reflect at last. Yes, this is a relentless strife. I’m at a crossroad, and I have always known that the road chosen will be the one less travelled by. Beyond all labels, my soul chooses the path of touching hearts.

However that may be for now, I may ride the wave of technological expansion. I may take my learners on virtual reality trips, create webs of virtual bonds and use every single tool there is to channel love. For love to touch those spaces is truly enlightening— as a human, we share the glorious responsibility to allow our intentions to shift the hearts of the collective. 

I may ride the waves in elegance and grace, and stand still with all the momentum in changeless love. It is my love for those children, my love for how all these concepts we are learning outside of ourselves are already within. 

How much to takes to learn to remain changeless, to remain as light and love midst all the turns. This pathless path is stillness no matter how ever-evolutionary it is..


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