awaiting brokenness.

 My mind asks me, what’s after this?

The heart sees an eternal void. A slip into the unknown. Sliding across what has healed into all what is incomparable.

A crafter of dreams, I remain unknowing. I do not know much after what becomes when we find ourselves through each other’s melting eyes.

But I know this. I know some seasons. I know our first season— brokenness.

It may take some time for us to truly get into the world as normal beings. It may take some time for us to do, not until we learn the language of our truth— nobodies. How glory shall melt our form into an arduous disbelief, a heavenly state of bliss that wakes in its nothingness and sleeps to see a humanness striving to do something.

It will take some time in weakness, grappling, learning not to resist. Gazing into each others eyes and receiving what we have always known. Silence. A multitude of it.

It might be a timeless eon of us both lying on the ground, in wordlessness, trying to understand. It might be the painful ascension. It might be the inexplicable tears upon waking. It could be the limitless expressing itself through the utter limitedness of this smallness.

Take heart, my love. I haven’t been loved before— not like this. Garden me with ease. 


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