music of the spheres.

today, i happened to reconnect to a beautiful friend with whom i share so many dreams and auras. we talked about divinity, interconnectivity and everything that binds us to God, the source of all oneness and aliveness.

since that conversation, much of the chatter in my mind ceased to exist, despite the usual tendencies i have to want to do something. there are items on my list that haven’t been checked, some as absurd as “visualise activities for term (2)” which would mean going through every single day of the week for each unit in my head. well, it would be productive, but it would most certainly attach my ego to the outcomes, too.

and so i dropped the list awhile and listened to the music of the spheres— musica universalis. the beauty in stillness and inner peace, the cessation of movement to coexist with all patterns in the universe. perhaps it would be healing to pay attention to our innate nothingness and the ultimate wholeness that we truly are.

suddenly, the desire to eat, drink and do normal activities in life just drop. the one movie i wanted to finish so eagerly seemed deeply daunting in one moment. the mind stopped talking, seeking and criticising; simply being the dominant seer and observer of my life. it is in essence the totality of life that does the most truthful and reverent observation, and one needs to pay attention to the macrocosm’s reflection within us.

how beautiful life is with more beingness involved. it is quite challenging to blend into the insanity of the world. it is so difficult to maintain that level of grace at work for example or running errands. sometimes i see myself as an automated machine running around in systems, a cog, executing orders. it drains and sickens me when there is less space to breathe in the semantical wonders of isness. i pray that once this holiday is over, work does not consume me so much. as my beloved soulmate advised me, perhaps i do not need to exert myself so much. is it possible to simply surrender to that space in between manifestation?

one of my intentions is to quiet the chatter and endless spirals of structures to abide to. a life of inner stability and clarity. what a beautiful blessing clarity is— to see with the eyes of God’s wisdom, at least a glimpse of it, and allow the self to annihilate in the face of His Light.

and so, i give myself space those few days to be and listen to the music of the spheres, the inner wisdom that is linked to the totality of existence. i clear my mind and soften the frequencies to surrender and fill my soul with undivided love.

the hum of the universe lives in me through love.


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