Thank You For Believing.

I stand in our balcony, caressing the growing plants and look ahead. The sky is dusky purple and the sun is glowing in a burning shade of crimson. I look at you, standing so near, our sweaters brushing each other, and I can feel every spark they create on this cold beloved November morning.

I look at you because I’m proud of your growth. I’m proud of your timid dreams that you have decided to speak out loud despite the uncertainties. There were times, when it was all so risky and doubtful, but you decided to go for it anyway. You were determined to test the mercifulness of our universe and the way it is perfectly capable of loving us so dearly. You trusted your beating heart after neglecting it for so long. You paired your passion with a dexterous practice that got us all the way to where we are.

Where are we now, dearest gardener? We are in the gardens you have planted with your own visions. We are looking out on vast green fields and feel the crisp, cool air brushing our cheeks. You are solving the world’s issues with every heartsong and fervent melody, ones I adore listening to before we sleep. You choose to hide it somedays ‘neath a frown and worried eyes, but I understand it all the same. I’m always trying my best to believe in your heart despite it not always beating with the vibrant, colourful frequencies.

And dearest gardener, you believed in me. You believed in my far-fetched dreams. You believed in that vision of myself that hasn’t yet found itself in reality. You believe that I’m destined to do good, to be of service and to love like never before. You believed that I’d be okay and that I’d realise the truth behind this confusing world.

You believed in my doubts and told me that coherence and patience are worthwhile. You told me to listen to my heart. You told me to rest my head on your shoulder and let my tears stream when I don’t know what to do or believe in. You helped my forgive myself when I let others hurt me for the sake of love. You saw my essence which is so many times misunderstood and lost betwixt the disenchanting ways I lose the way to my voice. You empowered me to keep my boundaries safe. You told me to keep dreaming— to keep believing.

I believe in you, too. I believed in you from the very start. I believed in your abundant soul; that one that never fails to give so boundlessly. I believed in your kindness. I believed in your disconnected passions and knew that they’d mean something someday. I waited for you to be ready. I knew that you’d realise yourself. I believed in your love before it manifested this magnificently before our eyes.

We believed in “us”. We believed in this unearthly love, that one that sweeps us off our feet when our souls touch. There is this vulnerability healing and binding us together. There is this thread of daylight dreams keeping us as youthful as we were years back. We are still the dreamers, still the creators— the disciplined, the lovers, the faithful, the peacemakers and the advocates of this tired tired world.

Bless the day the world brought you to me. Bless the love we hold for each other. I am grateful, so grateful, for the smile on your face this very moment, as you’re watching the sun rise, uttering prayers that bring love to the world. I am so grateful that you’re brave enough to hold my cold hand and pull me close. I am grateful for your all-encompassing love.

Thank you for believing in my love. I hope it never runs dry for you, my dearest one.

one day, we will celebrate Novembers together.


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