Sunrise Stories.

We are lying down, face-to-face, and you’ve woken up before me. The moment my eyes open, I can see your inscrutable look, gazing at me like an inextinguishable flame of love. I spend a few moments looking into those beautiful, dark eyes of yours, the distance between them an infinite dimension I could never decipher.

Your long, graceful fingers find themselves entwined between my hair, cupping my face with such gentleness that breaks my heart open. My chest inflates with warm air and those little molecules vibrate, touching my ribs, and every exhale feels like a release of a weight so heavily alien. I close my eyes, feeling the tears sting the round ends of my irises, slowly cascading down my cheeks like a soft, blue stream.

I bury my face into your chest and feel your arms hold me. My skin touches yours, and I feel held safe, protected and whole. My body becomes as light as a rose, perfectly placed, fitting into your own. Your skin has found a way to hold me without being hurt by my protruding thorns, and that’s how I know you love me, dear. This is how it feels like infinity, because I can allow this magical touch to flow over me like a healing serum, softening all the edges and brimming all the unfulfilled gaps that ever made me feel incomplete.

Dearest, I feel safe. I feel safe in your arms. I feel safe when you pull me close until I can breathe the air you breathe. I recall that I’ve never felt this way before, not since I was a child, hugging my pillows as I laid there unable to sleep, hearing the clock tick so inexorably loudly. I used to hug my pillow missing how it would feel to have such loving arms around me. I spent so many years longing for this. I spent so many years trying to forget how painful it is.

And now I am here, my dearest one. I close my eyes and get soaked with this timeless love. I want to thank you, but I don’t know how. I can feel your heart beating coherently, I can hear it instead of those ticking clocks echoing from years ago, and my inner child drifts away to the lands of the past, a place I don’t have to visit anymore.

You let me stay there. Your fingers find ways to spell safety on my skin. Your touch caresses my petals and they trust you enough not to fall. You breathe in my fragrance as I drink in your love. You water me and oh, I grow.

The sun pierces its beams through the translucent gaps of our curtains. The light touches my eyes which I open just in time. I smile to the world. I smile to God. I smile to you. I smile to love.

God bless your love.

- I wrote this sunrise story acknowledging a love language; touch. I wrote about it because one of the ways I feel loved is through touch. Touch doesn't have to be tangible when it comes to love; it can be magical. As those fingers touch a loved one, infinite thoughts could be transcribed, writing out letters and letters of transcendent notions that make lovers unite. Touch is healing, especially if it is paired with safety. Many people live their lives feeling quite unsafe, like they're running away from something inside of them, but love roots them into the orderly scheme of life once more. Love makes them feel at home. But, we will never feel that way unless we find that beautiful home within us first and foremost, until we tread those many paths feeling naturally loved. Let your touch heal your fear. May your touch feel like home to those you love. - 


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