Sunrise Stories.

It’s extraordinary how we have found each other, like ripples extended out on a pristine ocean. It’s as if our energies have surfaced the world clearly and confidently; with a magnitude so vibrant, it attracted all it could along its field. We stumbled upon each other a very long time ago, dearest, since our eyes met— and since then, we knew there was some sort of connection we couldn’t comprehend, yet was true and vital to our humanity. We were simply meant to be with each other.

You are the laughter that brightens up the day for everyone. Through all perils and risks, you stand so confidently, with a smile and a reassurance so loud and courageous, capable of getting through, succeeding and having a beautiful time. The possibilities before you are a source of comfort rather than not, and you are wonderfully able to determine what you want. The freedom empowers you, it gives you the choice and the blessing of using your mind boundlessly. Your mind is an enchanting thing, dear; how it is so clear, how it doesn’t give you a chance to doubt what you believe in. You seem to always know your way, somewhat through the obscurity. Your ripple has kept me afloat countless times, for my mind is able to drown me with dubiousness and uncertainty, it always finds a way to bring me down.

You are that one clear ocean that reflects the darkness and the sun. You sail right through without distortion, taking the lead and the paths wherever they go. You tell me that I certainly can reach the sun of my dreams, as if my soul were the ship that could take me there.

And as you’re softly asleep on those fleeting last hours of that November night, may you please tell me when I get there?

With your strife and courage, you have lost a little bit of compassion. You want it all in your hands and somehow punish your dear life for not being fast-paced. You punish yourself for the stillness and peace in some quiet moments of the winter, when all you have to do is wait and keep on going. In those moments, you lose love. You lose the grounding force that keeps your laughter echoing but, it is at that same moment that you have found my heart.

You have found it because it wears passion and forgiveness so effortlessly. It is radiating in comfort and smiles and somewhere midst my wavelength, you have found this love you’re longing for. You have found that thrill and change you desire within the fluctuating and heightening frequencies of the many infinite ways I love you. My heart knows no stillness in a dimension farthest from reality— it’s your sanctuary, as I hold you close in my thoughts and my little nothings that mean the entire world to you.

So do wake up dear, now. It is still dark and chilly, but the purple clouds have approached the east. They are slowly colourising and are waiting for you. You may not appreciate the sun because it requires that moment of stillness that slips through your fingers whenever you’re up and awake, deciding on what to do next. For this reason, I shall put your hands in mine, allowing each cell of my heart to extend itself out for you, guiding your eyes to see the sky outstretched before us. It will make it easier to get soaked by the light. It will make it easier to rest. In this moment, the heart that you trust will guide you to the one true freedom you need— you have just captured all the beauty in what’s extraordinary.

You turn to me and whisper that perhaps I have already reached the sun. I smile endearingly— trustfully. I’m now allowed to rest, too.

Sail away now, dear.


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