
A lot of people ask: what is life?

Well, I cannot define life, because I have no idea how much it holds.. I have heard all about it through my parents' stories, professors and teachers but instead of asking this question, I thought: "why not answer it myself?"

Sometimes I hear myself internally saying that I need a life. What I just understood a few moments ago is that, life is not a destination. It's not something that you get or achieve or aim for.. it's something we already have. We have it right now, as you're breathing, talking, eating, hanging out. Okay, this might sound really cliche but, once you really get the awareness, it's real. Life is real, it's all about taking charge of your decisions, actions, choices, mentality. Life is just a journey.. and every single day is a part of it. So like a movie, you would want every single scene to be imperfectly perfect, to be another plot leading to a huge revelation and ending. And when is our ending? It is when we die. Wouldn't you like to make it worthwhile?

I realised that only if you just put it into your subconscious to have this acute awareness of how to actually live the best life every single day, everything will work out. For example, it is particularly easy to believe you aren't happy with your job or school and just hate it your entire life. However, if you programme yourself to believe that this job is just a permanent thing that will lead to a greater success, it gets so much easier. It gets really motivating, actually, for you start doing your best.. uncovering new perspectives and passions that you haven't yet discovered within you and the world.

Of course it's not as easy. But it's a journey, remember? There's always a part in the journey that is not enjoyable. Take a road trip, for instance-- the long boring drives (especially with kids), the way back, being uncomfortable in sleeping in motels or whatever.. but then, it's magical. You see different things, feel extraordinary feelings, etc. Sometimes the most difficult part of the journey is actually the negative mindset and lack of patience. But once you overcome that (and you can!), magic starts to happen. It's like you cross your comfort zone, and things become unfamiliar and exciting.

So please start doing one thing for yourself. Think of the world in your life's perspective. Take charge of your own happenings; bad things happen for a reason but they're only a doorway for more mystery. Being aware of this allows you to actually let go of so many obligations you and others have structured, when they make no sense at all. Who said you have no time for exercise while you work? Who said that you are unable to go on vacations because you have so much things to do? WHO?

The answer is: mindless voices.

Society sometimes makes us believe such queer things; it teaches us to live life like there was actually a way to. It tells us that there is a certain age to be rich, to buy a car, to have kids and get married.. but honestly, it's not really true.

Educate yourself on what is right and what is wrong, believe what is compatible to your identity.. be aware of when you are ready to do things you've been dreaming of doing. But you will never be ready when you're not aware of who you are, your potentials and identity. You'll never be ready when you're not honest with yourself. It is a really tremendous challenge, but it's worth it.

I have started my journey long ago, but I must admit I am not always aware of how magical things are with me. Perhaps I need some tools to remind me; a journal, meditation, reflections... I make mistakes every single day (I actually binged on peanut butter in the morning, it was awful.) but I am choosing to move on and make magic happen nevertheless.

My only advice is.. do not live the mainstream life. Be unique. Make your life a story to tell... and all that starts with just a little bit of a positive perspective. We are all going in the right direction when we are aware of it.

I'd like to thank wonderful Mimi Ikonn for the inspiration to write this post. You should definitely check out her YouTube channel if you'd like to stir your life up a little. :)


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