
Showing posts from January, 2021

Becoming Nobody.

I wrote a poem the other day, about being nobody. As much as it was short and descriptive, an underlying concept resonated with me immensely. It's something that has to do with my archetype, I guess, which tempts to overly strive to stand out. I secretly enjoy being different, being somebody uncommon, taking people by surprise. I do cringe when I admit so, as it's not something I'm proud of. Such a disposition intensifies my ego's presence and does not work well in times of failure. Yet, through the happenings of this year and a couple of months before, I was least concerned with trying to leave an impression. Most of my focus was directed towards being and taking multiple leaps of faith in my own journey. It wasn't really about proving anything to anyone or trying to stand out amid the crowd, but it wasn't until that day I wrote the poem that I felt the grandness of being  nobody  at all. When I'm a nobody, I seem to forget the material world and immerse my

Leaving Restlessness Behind.

I'm here to reflect on a part of my healing journey which has created so much abundance and bliss in my life, now that I'm on the other side. Moments like those make you realise how wonderful this life is when you hold on to healing yourself from limiting and unhealthy habits that eat you up on the inside. I want to say that I think I have left my restlessness behind me. What is restlessness? Well, life these days pushes us to extremes. Ambition is contagious, and we were programmed to believe that in order to reach our dreams and goals, we need to always be chasing something. In order to be successful, we need to say "yes" to every single opportunity out there, doing multiple things at the same time, always thinking of what's coming next, never stopping from a moment to reflect and rest from the climb up, to map out the right choices to make.   Honestly, I've fallen into that. I thought it was the right thing to do. I was not always a restless person, but in

Everything That January Gave.

This January came by with the intention to leave a creative legacy behind. It came with a small dream of thinking beyond the borders of my mind and overused thoughts. Little did I know that the whole of creation would be stretched before me to indefinitely explore in such a seamless, indescribable way. Oh, how could I even find the words to describe this January. It was non-judgementally self-organising, compassionate, acceptant and loving. There was little room for anguish and suffering, for there an abundant supply of awareness, open doors that welcome all there is and very little to resist. Every bubble of difficulty flowed gracefully to the surface and soared to the air, where it belonged. I guess it was a mindshift. I used to see things with a perspective that leaned towards lack, especially one that stemmed from within me. You know how much I fear imperfection and failure, but this was only since I perceived imperfection as unwholesome. Within a couple of days, I realised that im