
Showing posts from August, 2021

August Enchanting My Heart.

It is August ending, at last, and with it, summertime memories of this year end, too. It makes me quite weary to notice how time flies and new beginnings are simply thursted onto our palms, like persistent invitations. Sometimes, I want things to last a little longer, just to spend a few more days in reverence and appreciation for all what has been and all what hasn't. August was not as enchanting, but it left me enchanted. I close this month feeling so much enchantment and appreciation for life's spellbinding miracles. It was quite disheartening to spend so many rainy days feeling dull and dampened, there were also a few family issues that I stood helpless and powerless before. My parents decided to close this summer with so much resentment and anger, and for a while I thought I would do that, too. However, I caught myself a little earlier and chose to open my heart again to love sincerely, capture the blessings and focus my whole existence on the little things I have faith in

Before Its Beginning.

Now, those are the moments that I truly cherish these little things that are often unrecognisable, blurred in a background of static. An echo of laughter from the other room, the kettle boiling, gentle creaks of the floors and the swooshing cupboard doors. It’s these days that life before me becomes vibrant to observe, even overwhelming. I see it all but it doesn’t find a way to get inside of me, and I’m not an active participant— I just stay still and watch it all, a window in my heart sealed tightly. I smile before my sister’s wildness, her sloppy ways of being. I watch my father joke insanely, filling the house with her screams erupting with genuine laughter. I observe how the sunlight touches the furniture so wondrously, and glimmers catch my eye with meanings and beautiful revelations. Sometimes it feels as though my heart has toughened from all the things I have to keep outside of it. There is much to shield and I’m always on guard, deciphering what to let in and what to keep out

A Reflection: This Enchanting Summer.

Here they are, the last few days of this summer before returning home. This summer had been the most beautiful and most enchanting, with tribulations that were traversed with ease and grace, ridden along with the light of transformation. It was a summer of balance; I recall that I had beautiful summers before, but they all crashed into deep pits of not knowing how to deal with the unknown imbedded in goodbyes and subsequent new beginnings. I want to reflect upon this summer to sew those memories in lessons and little transformations that I can take home with me. Perhaps there were more vivid memories in my inner world rather than on the outside. There were little trips around the country and beyond borders, yet still, every walk was an adventure and a spellbinding experience. This is what I’m here to account on. the outdoors The most prominent thing about this summer was my intention to be outside as often as possible. Bicycle rides were abundant with ordinary sights. We discovered new