
Showing posts from October, 2019

Bubbles of Joy.

I’ve been absent and I’m sorry. I’ve received some messages from many of you asking me to keep posting and it truly mesmerised me. I’m so grateful for your love and trust. Thank you. :) How has it been lately? Just as I had envisioned it. Everything is falling into place slowly then all at once. Those dreams I dreamt on those pine-covered roads in September, walking as the autumn air brushed my cheeks— they are all coming true. My health, happiness, empowerment, faith in God and selflessness— all is in sync. I am quite fascinated by how miraculous life really is when led by love. But here it comes— a glimpse of doubt. I look around me and see those adults at work and university. I hear them complaining. I watch them talk drearily about how difficult things are. I watch them sarcastically make comments about reality and feel their spite and negativity pierce my soul. Will I end up like them in a few years? Will I lose this love I hold in my heart? I keep asking myself that,

Sunrise Stories.

We are lying down, face-to-face, and you’ve woken up before me. The moment my eyes open, I can see your inscrutable look, gazing at me like an inextinguishable flame of love. I spend a few moments looking into those beautiful, dark eyes of yours, the distance between them an infinite dimension I could never decipher. Your long, graceful fingers find themselves entwined between my hair, cupping my face with such gentleness that breaks my heart open. My chest inflates with warm air and those little molecules vibrate, touching my ribs, and every exhale feels like a release of a weight so heavily alien. I close my eyes, feeling the tears sting the round ends of my irises, slowly cascading down my cheeks like a soft, blue stream. I bury my face into your chest and feel your arms hold me. My skin touches yours, and I feel held safe, protected and whole. My body becomes as light as a rose, perfectly placed, fitting into your own. Your skin has found a way to hold me without being