Bubbles of Joy.

I’ve been absent and I’m sorry. I’ve received some messages from many of you asking me to keep posting and it truly mesmerised me. I’m so grateful for your love and trust. Thank you. :)

How has it been lately? Just as I had envisioned it. Everything is falling into place slowly then all at once. Those dreams I dreamt on those pine-covered roads in September, walking as the autumn air brushed my cheeks— they are all coming true. My health, happiness, empowerment, faith in God and selflessness— all is in sync. I am quite fascinated by how miraculous life really is when led by love.

But here it comes— a glimpse of doubt. I look around me and see those adults at work and university. I hear them complaining. I watch them talk drearily about how difficult things are. I watch them sarcastically make comments about reality and feel their spite and negativity pierce my soul. Will I end up like them in a few years? Will I lose this love I hold in my heart? I keep asking myself that, as I ride the bus coming home.

Of course their complaints are valid. Life is not that easy. It’s challenging, full of trials and tests. Our modern world is so fast-paced and filled with overwhelming responsibilities that make us believe that time is never enough. There are pressures to make money, families, build careers and climb ladders of success. Adult life will surely trick you to think you are a victim of competition, and you’d better save yourself before you’re put down.

Yes, this is reality. But would you like this to be your reality? Do you really want to grow up and live everyday like it was yesterday, without experiencing anything new and exciting? Without feeling your heart beat out of passion and love? Of course you do have a choice. Of course you can empower your mind to be less of a materialist and rely less on your senses when perceiving the world. You are allowed to use your instrument of a mind to visualise trajectories that are matched only for you. And yes, you are allowed to pursue them, as if it were an illusion, when it is the ultimate truth— because it’s stemming from you.

We need to acknowledge the fact that whatever we focus our attention on becomes our reality. If it is the negativity in life, then reality will only be that. If you spend your day complaining about what went wrong, the intensity of the competition, the things that are so hard to get and achieve, then of course, that is what will shape up your perception. However, what if you shifted your attention to your goals? Prayers? Your blessings? What if you shifted your attention towards simple pleasures and ways that God manifests His power and mercy upon humankind? What if you choose to see the beautiful, positive and hopeful side of life?

God created us to create and leave a tangible imprint on this world. Each and everyone of us is born with a call, an innate one, that inspires us to do something unique and worthwhile. This is the faith that we were born with, our nature. As we grow, we fall into patterns of relying on ways to survive the pain that we experience from others, and it makes us so connected to our weaknesses, that we forget our calling and succumb to the quest of surviving— accumulating funds, possessions, power and authority, thereof, to run away from what we have to face. We run away from having to stop believing in our weaknesses and discovering our strengths. We decide to burst that bubble of original joy and lose ourselves in life.

I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to live in your own bubble. It’s okay to construct a reality so different from what others perceive because this is how you are going to create your imprint. You cannot expect yourself to see life the way everyone does. You can’t expect to live without feeling this resistance when communicating your ideals with everyone else. That’s your bubble. That’s your nature— an ecosystem of endless terrains.

It’s okay if you are the only one in the room who is hopeful and positive. It’s okay if you’re the only one who finds a challenging situation worthwhile rather than draining. You are not wrong if you tell yourself that you have enough time to accomplish things. You are competing against your ego; the voice that reminds you of your weaknesses and pain. With this in mind, no other voice is allowed to cross your boundaries. You no longer take things personally, because you know where your bubble lies. You are so connected to yourself that whatever happens beyond your wavelength is all in control of your perception.

Live in your bubble if it brings you joy. Live in it if it makes you wake up in love for the endless opportunities and hope. Feel at home in it if it makes you selfless, giving and caring. Strengthen it with boundaries and limits, a sense of what is righteous and most essentially, faith in that higher form of intelligence that controls all there is. Surrender to this universal power that will always bring you to where you belong.

Blow your bubbles and keep them strong. Let the sun shine upon them, making them glow with multi-coloured shades against the sky. In the end, only you are responsible for your life. Verily, one day, there won’t be anyone to blame but yourself.

So, empower yourself with this divine responsibility of creating the life that feels closest to your heart.

May you live it with love.


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