Thoughts About This Space.

I've been quite inconsistent lately when it comes to blogging. I am not less passionate about it, quite contrarily, I have been giving this space so much thought, trying to figure out open doors of growth. I want to express how much this space means a lot to me, and words fail when I try to describe how much documenting my life over the past five years has shaped me considerably, giving me the chance to dream and be those dreams, with every step in this never-ending journey.

I believe this blog has a future, a thrilling one, actually. I pray and believe that in not so long, I'll be documenting concrete happenings of my day that contribute to a world where one can live holistically, in reverence, in love and most importantly, making a difference. You know that I have so many dreams, right? Dreams of living in a conscious manner; not consuming much of Earth's resources without giving back, living in harmony with nature and taking inspired action to leave an impact in creative, authentic ways. I just know it in my heart that this space will grow to include so much more on how to live with love, practising values like forgiveness, humility and compassion. Also, creating beautiful relationships with others, growing our circles of light and finding our purposes.

The most wondrous thing about growing up is realising that we have choices. Actually, growing up is all about choosing. We leave childhood behind with a set of programmes and rules, the ones we embed into our value system, thinking that there is little freedom to change them. Perhaps, we strive to change our financial situation or our residence area, but we rarely think that we have the freedom to change how we deal with people, how we think about problems and our very own place in the world. Very evidently, I now truly believe in having made a choice about so many things I learned while growing up; some things I am leaving behind, replacing and some cherishing for their value.

That's the point. I want this space to document not just making the choice, but acting upon them. I feel so restless when even considering the possibility of crafting the life I dream of, and it's what I want this space to be filled with; daily practices, projects, rituals, dreams coming true and dreams still being crafted, the inevitable failures and challenges. For now, my life is slowly taking shape along the asymptote of my deepest intentions, and I am aware that things go slowly at first then all at once come to life. I am reserving this space for this timely manifestation.

If I were now speaking of manifestations, then I'd be documenting my work life. However, I am still a novice, and anything I currently do is still under experimentation, so it would be unwise of me to claim things as successful when they are still nascent perceptions. There are so many things in my life right now that are brimming with light, but they are only seedlings, you know? I could be writing endlessly about my approach to health, relationships and work, but I know deep inside that it isn't the right time at all. I have so much work to do, still, to engrave those beliefs and practices so deeply into my life.

I truly cannot wait for this space to grow. Oh, I can already see how it looks like in a few years. Pictures of children, souls I love, ventures, projects, books and so so many plants. I can see my life being documented for the purpose of sharing the light God has benevolently bestowed upon me. I can clearly see daylight dreaming a mindset so engrained and interlaced with every aspect of my life.

And if I fail to do so, then I forgive myself. I welcome the possibility of not being able to craft my life so intentionally in time, but at least I've tried, and I'll write about it, just for the sake of being humbled by how inscrutable the path of love and growth truly is.

In essence, I will be grateful that I started this blog, back in 2016, when I was nothing but a bunch of uncertain dreams and make-beliefs. I will be grateful, no matter what happens, that I have come through as the person I am today, compared to where it all started. I just want to say that everything I wished for back then did come true in a way or another, and so there is no reason to fear to dream or believe that the growth of this space can be true. 

I'll be around  carrying dreams into the light of our beautiful world. 


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