
Showing posts from July, 2022


A part of me has tuned into the timelessness of beingness, and so I no longer shed so much attention on aspects like age. Still, as today I turn twenty-four, I am grateful for growing, and experiencing more of the astounding magnificence of where this life is leading us. With every year, God blessed me with a newer perspective and a viewpoint to gaze upon the world with. My twenty-third year has changed me completely, navigated me towards a purpose I never thought I’d encompass with my smallness. My twenty-third year was a year of softness . The softening of the heart with magnificent, glorious love that one breaks into the veils of separation, and being connected to otherness that has no significance in true light. Softness embodies itself in grace, and the whole body follows the heart in its wave-like movement, flowing across the skies of God’s incredible light. As I turn twenty-four, I commit to intentions which purify the heart to accept more of what is of service and what is true