2022: a glimpse of softness.

The year is ending, alas, and I’m here, at zero, with a smile, at the beginning and the end. The isthmus that is so uncertain, bubbling with expeditions the soul longs to travel towards wholeness and perfection.

I do not have much to say about 2022. It’s been a year entitled by softness— finally, a glimpse of it. Just one glimpse and not more. A glimpse that was able to seep through and melt all the harshness away, but not long enough just so that the sweetness of longing prevails.

I don’t have much to say about 2022 for all of it simply melts into the beauty of what’s been manifested. Every moment was in its right place. My heart has travelled across so many horizons— I’ve learned and lost all my learnings each time a new horizon is seen. Today feels like losing everything, I often feel like I’m not sure who I am anymore. Every time I begin to understand, it sheds off me, this ephemeral knowing, and one surrenders to not knowing, and it’s okay.

In 2022, it was a climb: intense, a breath-nipper, petrifying in some moments; restful, graceful and elegant in others. The in-betweenness was the truest love.

In 2023, I pray to learn courtesy, and see through the ordinary all the infinite love.. and patiently wait with humble nothingness.

Dear God, I pray for humbleness.


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