Sunrise Stories.

The dawn pierces through the darkness with impeccable faint rays of light. It also, quite recently, pierces through the deadly silence with the gleeful chirping of birds, melodising symphonies through their morning conversations.

And I wake with sleepy eyes that haven’t yet got habituated to the radiance beaming in the living room. I look at what surrounds me and realise that I had fallen asleep on the sofa the night before, completely forgetting to head to the bed. At the other end of the sofa there is you, your back facing the windows so that I cannot see the features of your face— probably tired and worn out. You’re like a silhouette, deeply mysterious and I long for the sunlight to drown the room to see you peacefully asleep.

I, myself, am kind of tired as well but it doesn’t cease me from smiling and feeling quite rapturous. I remind myself of our visualisations of the future; how we used to talk so much about striving to be different, to cherish the love in our hearts no matter how challenging it could get.

Sometimes life gets at us with its demanding pace. We spend hours and hours working, planning, checking items off our to-do lists like machines, with a little glimmer of passion and purpose that separates us from the whole world. Because in the end, it’s that passion that wakes us each morning with a thrill, with a will to pour our hearts out a little further. The vast societies around us are wasting their time complaining and wilting while we work our way through the challenges with strength, not rushing into things we cannot handle, trimming our ambitions wisely so as not to consume our little lives.

We accepted the fact that we can be little, and it considerably eased the tension we experienced just as life started to carry us away. Opportunities bickered our flaming potentials and visions, but with mindfulness we decided that there are things in life we prioritise.

That’s why I’m still on this couch, allowing time to pass endearingly, feeling this enchanting admiration pound in my chest. I admire the way we have made it through after all this time of being forced into changing our different and ethereal ways. I am proud of you, dearest, and of us. I will continue to tell you that as long as we are on the same path leading to the field of our dreams.

You finally open your eyes for you despise the blindness and ignorance of light. Your eyelids flutter ever so slowly, lips part to gesticulate a laugh at how we ended up on this couch and left the comfort of the bed just to share this beautiful moment together.

We trust life, which saves the disappointment, for there are no expectations to fail— life will always be like this, but we will take for what it is.

It’s enough, let us not complain.


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